Monday, February 19, 2018


Dr. Terry L. Simpson
Director of Teacher Education
Maryville College
February 16, 2018
Bless You My Children Blog
Courage is a virtue that most people wish to have, not cowardice or foolhardiness, but genuine courage.  It is often used to describe the actions of one in a struggle against overwhelming odds.  Most of the people I know hope they can demonstrate courage at the appropriate time, but deep down inside they fear that their actions will turn out to be cowardice rather than courage.
As a college professor, I am like most professors in that I encourage my students to stand up for their beliefs in spite of the strength of those who oppose them.  I have often told my students that as their professor, I try not to be a hypocrite and ask them to take a stand on controversial issues, which I avoid.  I have found that professors often talk about displaying courage in the classroom, but outside the classroom we become weak, spineless cowards.
When it comes to responding to school shootings, I have been a hypocrite and coward.  I have asked for a moment of silence in my classes the day after school shootings.  I have asked my students to pray for the families of students who have been killed, which is often a copout that leads to doing  nothing meaningful.  I do not want to hear another politician asking me to pray for those impacted by one of these vicious actions.  It is time to act.
I contend that the overwhelming majority of politicians, law enforcement personnel and educators are well aware of the one action that would stop these mass shootings of our children.  We must ban automatic assault rifles.  No one outside the military needs these weapons.  However, one of the significant reasons for the Republic take-over of Congress in the 1994 elections was a response against the ban on assault weapons.  Both Republicans and Democrats in Congress are well aware of the reaction to this ban led by the NRA.  As a result, they are going to sit on their hands and do nothing.  We should not expect any meaningful action until the members of Congress believe that the NRA block has been broken.
As an educator, but more importantly, as a citizen who loves this country, I make one vow on this Friday morning. I will never vote for another politician who receives money from the NRA.  I am well aware that “most” of my extended family, high school and college classmates, and members of my church family will oppose this decision to the point of anger.  I cannot control what others think and believe.  I came to this decision from convictions deep within my soul.  I must do my duty, as God has given me the light, regardless of the consequences.  To do otherwise would make me a coward.

“The ultimate test of a moral society is the kind of world that it leaves to its children.”
Dietrich Bonhoeffer