I understand the pressure placed on our student teachers and their fear of
failure. Maybe we expect them to be too
perfect. The past Tuesday afternoon I
shared with this class of student teachers and many of their public school
cooperating classroom teachers three ideals we expect them to demonstrate. However, it is important to make the
distinction between being idealistic and holding well-defined ideals. If I am idealistic, it usually means I have
little to no understanding of the real world.
However, idealism relates to those ideals we aspire to as a people. If idealism dies, we will never reach beyond
the status quo.
The first ideal I shared was efficacy. We want our student teachers to believe they
understand teaching and learning, and their students will learn. They can and will make a difference in the
lives of their students. We believe in
them and we want them to believe in themselves.
They understand state standards and the connection of these standards to
daily instructional objectives, instruction, formative assessment, and
summative assessment. Now is the time to
just do it.
The second ideal was compassion, and
by compassion, I do not mean pity. Each
semester most of our student teachers are shocked by the home situations of so
many of their students. If they have
pity for these students, they will not expect them to excel in their classes. But, if I have compassion, I will meet my
students at their current academic and social level and push them to achieve
higher because it is the only way I can help them rise out of their current
state of existence.
The third ideal I shared was enthusiasm. By enthusiasm I mean the satisfaction I feel
by being a teacher. Teaching is my
niche, my calling, and I could never imagine doing anything else in my
life. With enthusiasm the teacher plans
lessons that come alive, and the students realize they are special in the eyes
of their teacher.
I have just finished teaching the January Term course, Philosophical and Theological Foundations of Ethical Thought, in a
class filled with our senior teacher licensure students. One of my students, K.F., described the
struggle her parents went through before she was finally conceived. They experienced two miscarriages over a
two-year span and decided to try one more time before they finally gave
up. It worked! K.F. wrote…
“I almost was a “was not”….I
am meant to be alive. It might have been
difficult for me to get here. I might have been a last try, but I know I am
here for a purpose. I fully believe that
my purpose is to be a teacher
and love every student, but especially the ones who seem toughest around the edges.”
Yes, K.F. will make a difference in the lives of her students.
Bless you my children...